Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Almost. By next weekend hopefully. The only financial upside to being unemployed and not collecting anything is an awesome tax refund. Yay! Despite the debt that we are working our way out of, we do give ourselves a little bit of play money. I am ordering myself 2 or 3 new cricut cartridges and I get to go underwear shopping. (I have one pair that is not hanging by a thread. One.). We also have to be smart and put money away for our summer.

More specifically for July. It it jam-packed. 3 of it's 5 weekends are planned for. And nothing local either.
Weekend of the 4th, my close cousin graduates from HS. We'll most likely spend 4, maybe even 5, days because its my mom's hometown so a lot of family is still there. Plus the town always has a big 4th to-do at the lake. That's a 6 hour trip, one way.
14th-17th. Maternal grandma's side of the family reunion. My mom has been doing a LOT in the way of family tree research and found quite a few distant relatives, so we're all getting together in my grandparent's hometown. We are dying to tent-camp at the beach there, but with it being in the middle of July, the weather may change those plans. We have two routes for getting there, so it'll be between a 9-11 hour trip, one way. Although if we go the 11 hour route, we are stopping approx. halfway.
The next weekend, 22nd-24th. Husband's Mamaw turns 80, my MIL and her sisters are planning a surprise party. I'm excited for it because I love visiting them. If we can't find a nice reasonably priced cabin around there, we'll be staying at a hotel. That's a 8-9 hour one way drive.

With the first trip we really need to just worry about gas and trip snacks. We've got plenty of free lodging options and will defiantly have free meal options :) With the second, we are toying with the idea of renting a mini-van. One to give us a chance to try one out, I do want one. And two to give us more space during a long and unfamiliar trip. Hopefully by then we are more financially stable to be able to rent a van and not break the bank.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Le Sigh...

Well. I have resigned myself to the fact that I will not be graduating next spring (2012) like I was planning.
And not because of the whole end of the world thing either.
I dropped my science class.  I still need a semester's worth of electives to finish. And there is no way I can do that at my current school without taking the intro courses for every major offered. No thank you. I would totally take those classes if they would in anyway help future career goals. But they won't. At one point I even seriously considered withdrawing at the end of the semester and enrolling in the local state school where they have almost the same program I'm in and about a thousand more class options. I had the application filled out, a scholarship application filled out, and transcript request forms filled out. Then I realized I was just angry with that science teacher and the lack of extra classes at that school. Exploring my options, I found out that I can continue where I am but also enroll at the state school as a 'transient' student, just taking the classes I need to finish up at my current school. And that's what I'm going to do. That and continue to look for my missing math book. I am beyond words when it comes to how I feel about that. I have a small house. Where could it have gone?!

I'm planning the Valentine's party for Lea's class. I'm going to decorate cookies on Sunday and maybe do pretzels too. I haven't decided that yet. I'm trying to come up with a craft for the kids to do because I want to split them into stations. The past two parties made me realize that kindergartners are still too immature to be able to focus all together on a project at the same time. I've got a quick game planned for one station, another will be a group passing out their own valentines, and I would like a craft or some other project for the third. My Halloween craft was a little too disorganized (on my part) so it turned into a bit of a mess.

I started back up with my scrapbooking. Kinda. I've been making valentine's\love cards. I think they are cute. If I am really ambitious, I would like to make card sets, maybe sets of 5 or 10, for different occasions, to sell when Husband does craft shows.

Off to search for the missing math book...