Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Future Plans

Provided I get accepted, I have chosen the school I would like to go to for an education degree. I will finish my communications bachelor next spring (I still have a hard time wrapping my head around that) and would like to start the education degree the following fall. If necessary, I am willing to wait til the following spring semester, but I do not want any more than a year go by before starting.
Since I will most likely not need to complete the year or so of general education classes, I am figuring an education degree should take me 2-3 years. So in all, I think I'm looking at 4-5 more years in school.
Side topic, but still related, I want at least 2 more kids. And I want to be done having them BEFORE I start looking for a teaching job. I really don't want to have kids past 30. Once I find a job, I don't want to have to take time off to have a baby.
Is that too much to ask? Am I being selfish?